Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

kelas karyawan

Universitas jakarta selatan
ini juga membuka kelas karyawan untuk lulusan sma yang ingin kuliah sambil bekerja . Di universitas budiluhur membuka cabang kelas karyawan antara lain :
  • PUSAT ( Cileduk )
  • ROXY
 Kampus terbaik ini membuka banyak fakultas untuk kelas karyawan antara lain :
  • Fakultas Teknologi Informasi
      • Teknik Informatika (S1)
      • Sistem Informasi bidang peminatan Sistem Informasi (S1)
      • Sistem Informasi bidang peminatan Komputerisasi Akuntansi(S1)
      • Manajemen Informatika (D3)
      • Komputerisasi Akuntansi (D3)
  • Fakultas Ekonomi
      • Manajemen bidang peminatan Manajemen Keuangan (S1)
      • Manajemen bidang peminatan Manajemen Pemasaran (S1)
      • Akuntansi (S1)
  • Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi
      • Public Relation (S1)
      • Broadcast Journalism (S1)
      • Fakultas Teknik
          • Elektro bidang peminatan Teknik Komunikasi (S1)
          • Elektro bidang peminatan Teknik Kontrol (S1)
      • Akademi Sekretari
          • Kesekretarisan (D3)
Tidak sedikit lulusan dari universitas budiluhur menjadi orang-orang yang sukses yang memiliki pengaruh besar diberbagai macam bidang pekerjaan dan tidak banyak pula lulusan universitas budiluhur sukses dibidangnya .
Lewat program kuliah efektif ini para mahasiswa dapat kuliah dan tetap dapat beraktivitas seperti biasa dalam pekerjaan.
Dengan mengikuti program kuliah efektif ini, mahasiswa akan mendapatkan kemudahan-kemudahan antara lain :

  • Tidak perlu mengikuti PLK/OSPEK
  • Kuliah diselenggarakan diluar jam kerja
  • Kuliah diselenggarakan secara periodik (bukan kuartal atau semester)
  • Tidak ada sumbangan gedung
  • Memiliki hak yang sama seperti mahasiswa kelas reguler 

    Senin – Jumat : 18.30 – 21.00
    Sabtu : 09.00 – 17.00
Biaya kuliah disesuaikan dengan penghasilan mahasiswa. Mahasiswa cukup membayar satu atau dua mata kuliah yang diambil pada setiap periode. Dengan kemudahan ini, mahasiswa tetap dapat mengatur keuangan tanpa mengganggu kebutuhan sehari-hari.
Apabila pada periode-periode berikutnya mahasiswa mengalami hambatan untuk mengambil matakuliah yang disebabkan oleh tugas atau kesibukan kantor, atau karena masalah keuangan yang menyebabkan mahasiswa harus cuti kuliah, maka mahasiswa dapat mengajukan cuti kuliah dengan menghubungi pihak sekretariat untuk mengisi formulir cuti kuliah dan membayar biaya cuti kuliah.
Bagi yang pernah kuliah di perguruan tinggi lain (semua jurusan), dapat mengajukan transfer nilai matakuliah ke Universitas Budi Luhur dan Akademi Sekretari Budi Luhur dengan menyerahkan transkrip nilai asli terakhir dari perguruan tinggi asal.

kampus universitas budiluhur

Pada saat ini universitas budiluhur masih bertahan dengan predikat "universitas terbaik jakarta" kampus terbaik ini sudah meraih berbagai penghargaan baik prestasi maupun kegiatan sosialnya, bahkan mempunyai himpunan untuk saling bertukar pikiran, yaitu :
  • HIMTI (Teknik Informatika)
  • HIMASI (Sistim Informatika)
  • HMSK (Sistem Komputer)
  • HIMKA (Komputer Akutansi)
  • KSL-BL (Kelompok Study Linux)
  • Dan lain lain  
Kampus jakarta selatan ini adalah salah satu perguruan tinggi jakarta yang lokasinya sangat strategis terletak di jalan ciledug raya, petukangan utara, jakarta selatan.
Universitas budiluhur ini sangat terkenal dengan kampus teknologi informasi, selain itu kampus universitas budiluhur pun terkenal pula dengan julukan kampus komputer ,kampus ini sangat mempertahankan teknologinya karena semakin lama teknologilah yang sangat pesat berkembangnya , dalam hitungan detik pun banyak pembelajararan yang didapat dalam teknologi , daripada itu kampus universitas budiluhur mempertahankan pendidikan teknologi yang tidak sedikit lulusan dari universitas budiluhur yang menjadi orang-orang yang sukses dan orang-orang yang memiliki pengaruh besar diberbagai macam bidang pekerjaan dan tidak sedikit pula para sarjana terbaik yang dipanggil untuk bekerja diluar negri dan menjalani program pertukaran pelajar diluar negri .
Bahkan sebagian besar para mahasiswa dan mahasiswi mendirikan berbagai macam usaha sebagai upaya membentuk lapangan kerja baru bagi masyarakat . Dasar pembukaan usaha ini berdasarkan main set yang telah ditanamkan dari materi pendidikan yang diberikan oleh pihak universitas budiluhur

Minggu, 17 Maret 2013


sandal is very easy in use are simple and comfortable. the materials used are also environmentally friendly, material can be used from animal skins or can with the materials used.
please try to use them is guaranteed to soothe your feet :)

Do not ever be afraid to try to change your appearance:)

good luck :)

T-shirt material..

assalam mualaikum :) 
mmm ... today many Muslims wear a lot of motives a lot of comfortable material and good in view, but did you know that if you wear Muslim clothing has rules ..
those rules is that you must live by not just wearing any clothing covering the entire body except the face and hands is obligatory .. :)

one by one :)

easy convenient please select what you want for the party tomorrow, modern hijab can still many unique models, hanging like us :)

so much from me, hopefully you guys can wear hijab :)

good luck :)

learning together

assalammualaikum :)

let us put on the hijab, very easy to use:

1. First we prepare innards ninja, and in use until the neat

2. wear hijab head up neatly

3. behind at the end of the input to the head.

4. taaa ...raa so beautiful right .. :)

material over the hijab made ​​of chiffon is soft, comfortable and easy to wear :)
good luck :)

bros of flanel :D

Crafts made ​​from flannel, recently started mushrooming. From simple models to complex and complicated, are offered. Type of call it was diverse creations keychains, dolls, place paper towels, place handpone, wallets, pencil, picture frames, until brooch hijab or clothes trimmer can also be made of flannel fabric. Creative flannel is not difficult, and even fun because it stimulates your creativity to create new models that can be collected by yourself, or even used as a business channel.

Making crafts from flannel, not difficult really, just keteramplan sewing creations and we are in Constructing patterns

good luck :)

necklace of flanel ;)

You guys like the same girl whose name was cute trinkets in the form of a necklace or bracelet can ...
Well ... you guys like to collect a necklace or bracelet that's funny ..
But you have to spend considerable money to buy it ..
Well I have a solution, why do not you still have a huge collection of bracelets or necklaces but your wallet is thick ...
Hmmm .. this ya solution

Yep necklace of flannel solution ...
You can make your own without having to spend a lot of money ...
want to know how??
Okay ... I love to know ...

Tools and materials required:
  • Flannelette
  • Materials necklace is mute (can also use a rope or chain)
  • Glue burner
  • UHU Glue
  • Scissors
  • Other applications such as flowers or mute velvet
  • Yarn strings

How to Make Flannel Necklace:
  • make rope necklace customized materials by entering into a string muting the strings one by one. 
  • Muted color variations are usually matched with the color of his flannel.
  • Cut flannel suit the desired color with elongated pattern.
  • Roll up to form a pattern flannelette
  • Give ribbon or suit
  • Necklace flannel ready

In addition we can also make necklaces necklace of delicate patchwork ...
how to do ...
immediately wrote  ...

 The raw materials required:
  • Patchwork shirt (as needed)
  • Bracelet
  • Chain Necklace
  • Beads - Beads
  • Pendant
  • Equipment Used:
  • Scissors
  • Sewing needle
  • Thread
  • Glue Shoot
  • Copper Wire Size 2 mm

How to Make:
  • Patchwork Scissors with 3 cm width and length as needed (if the conversation is not long enough, it can be connected with another rag).
  • Sew the fabric in the middle to form a tube
  • Stamp all parts of the bracelet with glue
  • Immediately cover the entire surface of the bracelet with the cloth, starting from either end bagia cloth, leaving only the center of the necklace.
  • Sew the back part of the connection between the necklace with bracelet earlier
  • Give ornate copper wire and beads - beads around the bracelet or pendant in the center of the bracelet.
  • Let stand for 10 minutes until the glue dried
  • Necklace is ready for use

Now what??
it can certainly ...
starch you can make your necklace according keiginan ...
and certainly you can harmonize with the clothes you wear ...

Good luck :)

snake skin??

  • Python is one of the most popular types of snakes relatives in the fashion market. One reason for this is the size of the snake. On average, the snake is more than six feet long, which means more skin than most snakes and can more easily be used to make items such as bags, belts and wallets. A python clutch can be made from a single skin.
  • With the explosion in snakeskin fashion accessories, there are many fake or synthetic snake leather goods masquerading as the real thing. Very often, they are so cleverly done, they look almost the same. So how can you tell the difference between genuine python clutch and a fake?
  • Snake skin is very fragile and are not usually used for large items such as tote bags because it takes a lot to gain. Synthetic snake leather is usually bound with cloth to give it more power. If there is anywhere in the back of the bag where the skin show, the fabric is a dead giveaway. Check out the top of a python clutch in which he joined the coating. This is the most likely to show support.
  • Genuine snake skin has felt a little different than some synthetic, although it can be difficult to find a clutch really good synthetic python. Look for details in color. Most synthetics using filtered photo printing to create patterns on the skin. It is possible to see the pattern repeat photography in python bag. Repeating symmetry does not occur naturally in the skin. 

  • Genuine snakeskin bag used in good quality. Check the stitching. Even the stitching with no knots or interesting python handbag is a sign of quality. Layers must be sewn on, not glued. Only top quality hardware, such as clamps or O-rings are used on a nice bag. Before you pay a lot for the bag, make sure you know that your python clutch is the real thing.

mascara :)

If you are on the make-up counter, you may feel confused in choosing the type of mascara that will be purchased.

Whether choosing mascara that can lengthen eyelashes (lengthening), or others such as curling, thickening, or non-smudging?

What is the real difference between the four types of mascara are? Or is it all kind of mascara is indeed to be purchased?

According to the October 2010 issue of Allure magazine, you can tell from the type of hair mascara brush.

Thick bristles that will make the lashes look full, while the thin bristles will form a perfect lashes without clumps.

While the bristles are curved, helping lashes that look more slender.

Below will be discussed in more detail differences from other types of mascara are:

lengthening Mascara

Lengthening mascara has a dense brush that allows you to apply more mascara, especially on the tip of the lashes so will result eyelashes look longer.

powder ??

  • Composition:

  1.  TalkChemically, talc is a magnesium silicate (3MgO. 4SiO2.H2O). This is the basic ingredient of all kinds of modern powder formulations extraordinary properties is easy to spread and cover the low power. To talk face to be white powder and odorless with a delicate flavor. Of course, the pervasive nature of this excellent is most needed.The particle size of the talc is one of the criteria for quality standards. At least 98% must be able to pass through 200 mesh sieve (no larger than 74 micro) micronised talc is now available in which the particle size can be reduced to a few microns. The use of micronised talc particles in the size and mass of the desired value. The solids from the great mass of the talk is very important, because the variation greatly affect the quality of the final product as well as packaging.

  2.  KaolinThe color of the kaolin used to be as bright as possible. The basic ingredients should be purified either to move the entire material impure and coarse particles.Not all aluminum silicate can be classified as kaolin, but below the 3 groups in particular have the same formula (Al2O3. 2SiO2.2H2O) and can be called kaolin: nacrite, dickite, and kaolinite.Because kaolin hygroscopic powder for use on the face generally not exceed 25%.

  3.  Lime (Calcium Carbonate)Calcium carbonate is used to reduce the light of the talk and has the power of a good coat. It helps for the absorption of perfume and greaseproof. And absorb sweat. Lime is also very good for radiant effect when used face powder.Limestone is a weak base, white, microcrystalline powder, odorless; not shiny, and has a lime flavor. When the raw material is used in excess, can give a sense of dry powder, but use proper is very helpful in the face powder formula.

  4.  Magnesium carbonateGood properties of magnesium carbonate is commonly used in making the building blocks of powder. Magnesium carbonate has a good absorbent properties and proved to have good perfume distribution properties. Its density is part of the layer of magnesium carbonate, which provides quality development on the fineness of the powder type.

  5.  Metal stearateZinc and magnesium stearate is by far the most commonly used materials of metal stearate. For face powder, stearic must have a high quality to prevent acidity, unwanted odors.The most important properties of zinc and magnesium stearate are adhesive and waterproof properties. Zinc stearate, the most frequently used also has a calming effect.Excessive use, stearic acid can cause blemishes and acne on the skin effect. In sufficient quantities (4-15%) of zinc stearate powder gives the adheren the face.

  6.  Zinc Oxide, Titanium OxideThere are two pengopak materials commonly used in face powder formulations: zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Too much use of this material can produce effects such as mask which is not desired; too little to make the powder can not be attached to the body.It is known that zinc oxide has several therapeutic properties and helps eliminate defects on the skin. However, excessive use can cause dry skin.

  7.  Rice starchThis material is often used in face powders. The material most commonly used is rice starch. This material is considered to provide the nature of "peach like" on the face. Because the particles sperisnya give a soft feel to the skin. This material has the properties of absorption and possesses good cover. With penambhan water can be cake, and stick to the face, giving it a less than pleasant. This material can also be sticky. Corn starch is also commonly used and has the same properties of rice starch. Cassava starch can give softness to the product.The use of starch has been giving problems easily decomposed by bacteria, because it contains nutrients that are suitable for bacteria. Illuminating the nature and adsorb are given of the starch which now also be provided by calcium carbonate and other compounds of formula powder in the face.

  8.  Silica and SilicateSilica and Silicate can be useful in face powder to keep the free-flowing nature, although with high humidity. Silicate can also serve as a carrier of perfume.The use of fine silicates such as magnesium trisilicate powder helps in because they have a very good absorbing properties of water and oil.

  9.  Materials giver lightening effect.Synthetic pigments bismuth oxychloride has been developed to replace guanine. Although sensitive to light, bismuth oxychloride can adapt enough to use in face powder to give the effect of bright metallic, sparkle like pearls.

  10.  DyeColoring matter is the basis of the art of creating a face powder which displays the desired shadow shades. Dyes are used in different variations either inorganic or inorganic pigments.The amount of dye required depending on size of the degree of the type used in the formula. Pengopak of oxide materials and transparency of talk greatly affect the amount of the desired dye.

  11.  FragrancesSelection of a suitable perfume and efficient properties used in face powder is very important, because the smell of the powder has an important role in the ability of the sales of the product. Using a suitable perfume is not an easy procedure, because the extremely large surface area of ​​the solid powder and the likely reaction of perfume with other basic ingredients. If the base material is a soft material, the chosen fragrance would be less than in solving problems face powder formulations.It's very important that the perfume is used should not irritate, stable in weak alkaline conditions and not oxidize or evaporate quickly. Fragrances should tercampurkan with all the building blocks of powder due to problems with acidity, heterogeneous odor and discoloration can occur from a selection of odors that do not match.

Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

jeans of my life ...

  • One of jeans that fit just right and look at the body will always make you look stylish and effortlessly stylish. Mark Giuffre, Brand Manager Diesel Australia, gives 5 ​​important tips to consider when buying the right jeans.

1. Find quality denim. Feel the texture of the material carefully, if overly stretch jeans that means over time you can fade the color and size will be stretched. Usually the premium denim brand more reliable in providing quality materials.

2. Check the size of the waist jeans. Try to wear jeans before buying, sit down and see if there is a gap between the waistband of your body. If there are gaps, the jeans are not good or are not fit for you.

3. Note the straight line on the pants. If there are straight lines and symmetrical invisible on a pair of jeans that shows that they are made to perfection, and will certainly look more fit body. Avoid the lines that look lopsided or asymmetric.

4. Pieces skinny is always better. Mark recommends skinny jeans and slim fit jeans because these two models will give effect to the foot look more level and thin. However, if you choose a model with a slouchy pieces (without form), then the employer should note that subject so as not to lose the glamor effect.

5. For a fuller impression, choose pieces that are higher in the waist. Do not be afraid to look ugly, because if the jeans are well-made, high cuts will only reinforce the shape of the buttocks and gives a beautiful curve on your body. (PFA)

"A perfect pair of jeans is like a second skin that never fails to make you look and feel great"

good luck :)

nail art :)

assalammualaikum :)

  • lover of nail art for you, do you want to try something new for your nails? floral motifs are very beautiful for your nails, but the motive is already many who use it. What if you try something different and unique, such as penguins. want to know how? follow the steps below:

1. start painting your nails with a light blue color, wait until dry.

2. make an oval shape in the middle of your nails with white paint. still leaving the light blue paint on both sides of your nails.

3. points for a tool (can with nail art pen or the tip of a sharp hairpin usual) using black paint. This will be the penguin's eyes.

4. buat also two points with orange or yellow paint on the nails. This will be your penguin feet, and also add one point (langsunggeserkan slightly down, to make a triangle shape) in the middle of your nail.

5. taa...raaa... so penguins in your fingernails

  • Come on, Recognize Ingredients

If nita hobby coloring your nails, there is no harm if we recognize the content of Kutek colors we wear. Dr. Nila said Kutek contains chemical compounds which is a compound that is chemically similar groups of formaldehyde or formalin preservative.
Goes on to say, these ingredients are irritants to the skin. However, the actual nail is able to give effect to the texture finer polish. "The better the ingredient, the better, will give nails a softer texture, beautiful, no-leak leak and are not easily peel or last long time" said Dr. Nila.


Applying henna are the same and the same material, sometimes the results can also differ between each other. there are several things that affect, namely:1. a person's body heat.
2. skin types
3. season. winter will affect the design fade faster than summer
4. installation time. the longer the henna stick to the skin so the darker the color will be produced

There are some tips that can be used as a handle to make henna designs become darker and durable.

Mix lemon juice (lime juice) when making the dough henna, black tea water *, essential oil **.
let stand as long as possible (overnight) is to apply henna to the hands / feet. should cover hands / feet were already given henna by using plastic / tissue bath. Pendiaman quite done 6-7 hours.
after the henna is applied, give the mixture a solution of lemon juice and sugar on hand with a cotton bud / spray

Customs of india, baking cloves in iron container, then lift the henna design on smoke clove
Keeping the design in warm.
Do not remove the henna stick with water, but use as a blunt toothpick / other tools such.
Rubbing his area contained henna henna will relieve attached.
Avoid the use of soap removed shortly after henna
Once removed, apply oil to the area indicated by henna. vegetable oil / essense oil / olive. It's function is to avoid direct contact with water design. but it is better to select olive / essense oil because it is not too sticky

good luck ladies :)

so.. beauty to hijab :D

Maxi Dress:

There are many ways to make this one dress look trendy and up to date. Wear a maxi dress with a cardigan or crop jacket and blazer, also wear necklaces and other accessories if using a maxi dress plain. You can also wear long sleeve basic t-shirt as the innards to Sleeveless maxi dress or sleeveless, wear along with a belt for a more chic.

Maxi Skirt:

Maxi skirt can look very elegant and simple at one time, for work clothes you wear maxi dress above the waist (high waist) and mix with a plain shirt or white blouse, janga wearing two bright colors together because it will look very striking. Choose a maxi dress or pastel and nude colors to wear with patterned tops such as line, also wear a belt to give the illusion of a slimmer body.

Tunik & Blouse:

To view the current casual hangout at the mall, a mix tunic and blouse with jeans can look chic, simple and also very trendy. Choose a shirt with khaki color along with black, do not forget to wear brightly colored shoes flats catchy.

good luck ladies :)

flat shoes

 I wear whatever looks good on me and whatever I'm comfortable in. Though I like to stay up-to-date with fashion, I don't go around chasing the latest trends
Experimenting with shoes... is a great idea. For instance teaming a coloured pair of shoes with a black dress is a great idea, but you should know how to carry it off too
good luck ladies :)

high heels

 high heels are just perfect for outdoor events and are very comfy too. They not only add a few inches to your height, but also give a cosmopolitan look to your personality. They look sophisticated and make a fashionable statement.

Short legs. Wear high heels which has a range of frame and body heel shoes far enough, height 7-12 cm heels. If forced to choose to wear a dark colored wedges.
Feet long. Choose heels taper and straight, your legs will look beautiful when walking. Do not choose heels that are too high because your legs will look too long.
Leg fat. To make your legs look more gaunt, use high heels with high foot pads. Do not use the right light and dark, will make your legs look even fatter.
 good luck ladies :)

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